Eric Johnson 语录

日落下一只狼 2012-12-05 15:03:22


BB: In an age where so many define success as having big houses and fast cars, how do you define success?


EJ: People think that's what it's about because that vision is still the forum and they are not necessarily living in that situation. If they live in that situation, they'll realize that's just not what it's about. There's nothing fulfilling about that. The more money you have, the more money you want; the more stuff you have, the more maintenance you have - there's nothing fulfilling about it. There's a lot of bands that chase records deals and when they get the deal, they think their problems are solved - but they have a whole new set of problems. There's nothing different - you're just switching the problems. Success is being able trying to do what you want to do and try to at least make a living at it and get by. You can always shoot for the stars but you have to count your blessings if you're at least able to get by, do well, do what you want to do and maybe be able to make somebody happy along the way. That's success.


EJ:那些认为这就是所谓的成功的人,只不过是人云亦云,他们并不真的生活在那样的处境之中。如果他们“身临其境” ,他们会明白事情根本就不是这样的。那根本就是个无底洞,你越有钱,越是想要更多钱;你拥有的东西越多,你要维持它们的开销也就越大—— 总之是个无底洞。有许多乐队趋之若鹜地想和唱片公司签约,他们自以为签约后,他们的问题就解决了——但等待他们的将是一堆全新的问题。换汤不换药 ——你只是在不同的问题间“换台”。 成功是有能力去做你想做的事情,并至少可以靠它养活自己。你可以永远胸怀大志,但如果你仅仅只是凑合着过日子,你也要懂得知足常乐 ,好好干,做你想做的事情并在这一过程中能够给某些人带来快乐,那就是成功


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